To bring in your insurance card each time you come to the Center for services if you are insured.
To pay all co-payments and deductibles at the time of your visit if you are insured.
To pay at the time of your visit for services rendered if you are uninsured.
To bring in documentation of eligibility for discount in a timely manner if you are uninsured.
To bring in documentation of eligibility for the Medicaid, if requested by the Center’s Care Manager or Clinic Coordinator, in a timely manner.
To contact the billing department immediately to make payment arrangement if you cannot pay.
Sterling Health Care’s mission is to improve the lives for all people in the communities we serve, through improved health, regardless of their ability to pay.
Sterling Health Care has been an organization exhibiting growth and leadership in Mount Sterling and surrounding communities since 2012. Our providers and staff take pride in being the friends, neighbors and leaders in these communities who strive to make a positive difference.
The care we provide enriches the lives of our patients and improves their well-being.
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