HRSA award targets fight against substance use disorder
OCTOBER 3, 2022 - MT. STERLING, KY - Sterling Health Care (SHC), a Federally Qualified Health Center headquartered in Mount Sterling and providing comprehensive health services to surrounding counties, has been selected to receive the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program ‐ Medication Assisted Treatment (RCORP-MAT) Access Grant through the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The award, valued at $1 million per year for three years, provides funding for the fight against substance use disorder, including opioid use disorder, in high risk rural communities.
A total of 11 organizations received the MAT Access Grant, which was one of three grant segments distributed by HRSA to combat the overdose epidemic. Recipients in this same category represented the following states: Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Overall, HRSA has announced an investment of $104 million for 2022, with $65 million awarded for RCORP-Implementation and $29 million for RCORP-Behavioral Health Care Support.
“As one of only 11 recipients nationally to receive this award, Sterling Health Care is humbled to receive an award that brings such great responsibility,” said SHC Chief Executive Officer Tina Bryant. “We are very mindful of the challenges this disorder presents and recognize it is a life-altering issue our communities know far too well here in the Kentucky Gateway region. We cannot ignore its impacts and we believe very strongly that our team is prepared for the task ahead.”
The period of award performance is September 2022 through September 2025.
Sterling Health Care’s mission is to improve the lives for all people in the communities we serve, through improved health, regardless of their ability to pay.
Sterling Health Care has been an organization exhibiting growth and leadership in Mount Sterling and surrounding communities since 2012. Our providers and staff take pride in being the friends, neighbors and leaders in these communities who strive to make a positive difference.
The care we provide enriches the lives of our patients and improves their well-being.
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